Since 2005 Mighty Monkey aka ‘Mighty Mo’ has plastered London with his trademark chimp character… from the train lines to rooftops you can see these faces staring back at you, every one conveying a slightly different emotion.
He maintains a steady flow of paintings in the streets, while also producing some truly iconic artworks in his studio.
Mighty Monekey’s work has been featured in many publications relating to street art including a series of London Street Art books by Prestel and the book ‘The Thousands: Painting Outside, Breaking In’, published by Drago in 2009.
Originally part of the London Frontline collective who saturated the Camden area with their work, Mighty Mo then moved over to East London where he joined the BC collective, alongside Sweet Toof, Cyclops, Tek 33, Gold Peg, Dscreet and Rowdy.
In 2006 Mighty monkey exhibited work for the Daydream event which was held at the M&C Saatchi headquaters in Soho and The Thousands show, curated by R J Rushmore in Shoreditch.
Mighty Monkey has recently been working with Pictures On Walls, producing prints that have sold out rapidly whilst continuing to push the boundaries of street art in public space.